Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, in Brussels, North Macedonia and the European Union will hold the first intergovernmental conference that marks the initiation of accession negotiations after many years of waiting for the country and our citizens. Likewise, tomorrow, the screening process by the European Union of all our institutions will begin, a process that will bring us even closer to European standards. DUI considers that the Assembly and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia acted correctly, courageously and wisely in relation to the proposal of the EU Council, in which case the negotiations start, as well as the identity, language, and culture of the Macedonians are preserved and confirmed. Destructive forces in the service of foreign agendas continue to sow policies of fear among citizens by creating unsafe situations to create political tensions, ethnic and security with the sole purpose of party benefits, but the citizens distanced themselves from these isolating and destructive scenarios by not participating in the anti-EU protests. Time will prove who is right and who is misusing the future of the country for party campaigns and in the service of foreign agendas.